Create high quality videos 10x faster

Hotshot turns your words into realistic videos

Polar bear wearing sunglasses and holding coca cola on the beach

Brownie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup

An anthropomorphic lamb wearing clothes in a forest

Pixar dragon flying in the sky

Woman on a boat on a river, tangerine trees

A baby shark swimming with cauliflower

Helping people bring their ideas to life

Our users create engaging videos to express their creativity.

Videos Generated
Github Stars

Let's create together

How it works

Enter your text prompt

This could be a scene, a character, an action, or any other idea you have in mind.

Let Hotshot work its magic

Our AI model will create a unique, visually appealing 3-second video that brings your words to life.

Share and enjoy your video

You can easily download the generated video to your device or directly share it by copying the link.

It's that simple!


Frequently Asked Questions

How does Hotshot work?

Hotshot is a large video model that converts text to 3 second videos. Simply enter a brief text prompt, and Hotshot will create a unique, engaging video that brings your words to life.

How long does it take for Hotshot to generate a video?

Hotshot typically takes about a minute to generate a 3-second video. The processing time may vary slightly depending on the complexity of the text prompt and the current server load.

What kind of text prompts can I use with Hotshot?

You can use a wide variety of text prompts with Hotshot. Describe a scene, a character, an action, or even an abstract concept, and Hotshot will generate a video that matches your description.

Can I customize the videos created by Hotshot?

Currently, there are no additional customization options. However, you can experiment with different prompts to achieve desired style, mood, or content for your videos.

How can I share the videos created by Hotshot?

Once Hotshot generates your video, you will be provided with a share link or an option directly download the video. You can easily save the video to your device or share it with others using the share link.

Is there a limit to the number of videos I can create with Hotshot?

Hotshot offers different subscription plans that determine the number of videos you can create within a specified time periods.

Turn your imagination into a video

Use Hotshot now.